Sunday, 29 April 2007


I like hamsters a lot.
I had a hamster. It was a dwarf-hamster and a cutie. I loved him so much. He was smart, hyperactive and loved to sleep. He died when we were on a vacation and it was so sad.

A little story:
My hamster got to run on the couch and I lied there and rest while he was running. After about ten minutes, he climbed under my shirt and began to sleep against my stomach. It was so sweet.

I have to say that dwarf-hamster is the best animal I've ever had. Maybe it's because he was just a special one... He will always be in my heart.


The thing about smoking is simple. If you try it, you will get use to it and be addicted.
One of the main problems is that people in poor countries get addicted. It's because advertisements are telling that if you smoke you will be happy. The poor people have just a little bit of money and use it all on cigarettes.

In rich countries it is maybe cool to smoke? Or you just wanna do as your friends. In my opinion I think smokers wanna hide behind the cigarette and feel safe. They find it easier to be social and stuff like that. Without the smoke they feel unsure and not comfortable. That's a really bad thing.

In conclusion I think cigarette-business is really bad because it tear money out of innocent people and make them sick. So my point is: DON'T EVER START SMOKING!

Friday, 27 April 2007

Music taste

People have different taste in music. The worst thing is to listen to music you absolute don't like. Sometimes it takes a little bit of time to like some sort of music. When you first like it, you think it's so cool. You suddenly realize a different side of yourself. Almost magic... Enough of my long-away thoughts. Back to the earth.

"Why sun, why do you have to be so close to the earth, and stuff...." Just a funny line from a youtube video. That video is really crazy but funny. What am I doing now. Back to the topic "music taste" what I was talking about...

If you see a band or an artist you often get a first impression of that person/group. Then It's harder to like the music. You are so sceptic. Afraid if you like the music and have to admit that you actually like them. Say it out loud! Do not be afraid of what people will say or think. So my conclusion is: Listen to singers/bands you don't like to "look at" if you can say it that way, and be open to listen different music than you are used to.

Thursday, 26 April 2007


When I'm not at school or doing homework,
I often go to youtube (or my other home as I like to call it).

Honestly i am there mostly to watch music videoes and interviews. I have many favorites and therefor I made a youtube-channel. It's kinda cool. Every day I get more and more visitors. Facinating...

Enough about youtube for this time.


I just ate dinner and I realized that the school-year is almost over. I cant believe it.
Time runs too fast as I usually say. This is a little panic situation right here.
I am beginning on a new school next year and guess I'm nervous. Hell yeah.

Hopefully I survive. "I will survive" That song just came to me, and "survivor" with Destiny's child. That feel a little weird, because I do not hear that type of music often. Another thing that also is weird, is when someone on the street say "hey, i know you" and you don't know that person at all.
Never happened to me thou.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007


I'm writing on a paper in English class right now. The person I'm writing about is Nelson Mandela. It's very interesting, but a little hard. We are gonna say it for the whole class. I'm gonna be nervous for that, but sure it is gonna be OK.
I think Nelson Mandela is a wonderful person, and have done so much for the community. Now I am gonna write further.

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

My first post

So this is my first post on my blog.
I don't hope you hope that I'm worried if you like it or not.

Only read further if:

1. you are bored
2. not sleeping
3. you are not heading for the bathroom
4. you wanna get away from sisters/brothers now are planning to read further