Monday, 29 October 2007
Wednesday, 24 October 2007

One of my favourite TV-series is Seinfeld. That's kind of my humor. I think the characters are really funny. I'm writing on a Seinfeld blog. There you will find videos and things related to Seinfeld.
The website is:
Here is a funny Seinfeld-blooper:
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
The Wombats - Let's Dance to Joy Division
The Wombats is a band from Liverpool. They have released two albums.
More info on:
(It is especially written about this song.)
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Feed hungry by a click!
Go to:
and click one time every day(it is FREE) and you feed hungry people. Make a difference today!!
and click one time every day(it is FREE) and you feed hungry people. Make a difference today!!
Friday, 12 October 2007
The Academy Is...

The Academy Is... is an indie rock band from Chicago. TAI, as they also are called make videoes on youtube. They make entertaining and a little meaningless videoes. They are really funny and I love watching the videoes. You can also watch their videoes on their homepage.
TAI latest album is called Santi and have plenty of great songs. My top favourites are:
-Everything we had
and more..
If you listen to them a lot you gonna lik them. It takes a little time. Did for me. If you wanna read more exiting things about TAI go to:
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Help someone today!

To help someone is great. Just a little thing makes a huge difference. Many many people in the world do not have it good. To do just a little thing make their life different. Go to one of this sites and help someone today. Make a better world!:
Read one of my other post: Feed hungry by a click!
Monday, 1 October 2007
Gerard Way singing "UMBRELLA"
Gerard singing rihannas "umbrella" on a show in Massachusetts the 25th of august.
Much better than her version I think.
My Chemical Romance has played on the project revolution tour, but it has ended now. The band will have a break now until the 25th october. Mikey is back in the band!
Much better than her version I think.
My Chemical Romance has played on the project revolution tour, but it has ended now. The band will have a break now until the 25th october. Mikey is back in the band!
Saturday, 8 September 2007
Saturday, 1 September 2007
Mikey is back!!!

From what I've heard Mikey Way in My Chemical Romance is back after getting married. He went to stay and be with family, but on a concert at the project revolution tour he came out and played. I know many fans are very happy because he is great and we don't wanna loose him. So: Welcome back Mikey!!!
Read more about Mikey on
Thursday, 9 August 2007

The Used have a mascot named Chadam. It says that he is living in a city only called Cardboard City. Chadam has been popular among The Used's fans. T-shirts with his face are popular.
If you wanna find out more about Chadam go to his blog:

Chadam is also on the cover The Used's new album: Lies for the liars.
Read my review of Lies for the liars here!
Saturday, 4 August 2007
My Chemical Romance and The Used

Early on, My Chemical Romance did hang out with The Used. The Used were kind enough and booked MCR on gigs. Something happend and they're not "together" anymore. They both say it's no fight between them now and that they are totally cool.
I found The Used and they make really cool music. Their last album Lies for the liars are great.
Read my review of Lies for the liars here!
-Read more about My Chemical Romance on Wikipedia
-Read more about The Used on Wikipedia
Lies For The Liars,
My Chemical Romance,
The Used
Thursday, 2 August 2007

I'm playing guitar. I have a Stagg lp400. It is really cool. I'm trying to learn to play guitar. It's not easy I tell you. First you gonna learn how to play TAB. Tab is short for tablature. Actually it's pretty easy to read. On this site you can read about how to read tab:
When you manage to read tab things get easier. In the beginning it's probably best to play songs you know well, because tab don't tell you how fast/slow to play a song.
A great Internet site you can find tab and cool stuff is: Lots of tablature for many many songs. On this site it is also a forum. If you sign up you can post questions and answer others questions. So, if you have any questions or anything, feel free to post a comment.
Thursday, 26 July 2007
My Chemical Romance
My Chemical Romance is a rock band that really have inspired me. First I heard a few songs and now I love the band. In my opinion they are the best band in the world. My Chemical Romance a.k.a. MCR are a rock band that have grown big in 5 years.
They have released three albums:
-I brought you my bullets you brought me your love
-Three cheers for the sweet revenge
-The black parade

In the beginning they were more punk, but now they're more rock I think. The band comes from New Jersey in America. They are known in the whole world now and they grow fast. My Chemical Romance have 5 members: Gerard Way (vocals), Frank Iero(guitar), Bob Bryar(drums), Ray Toro(guitar) and Mikey Way(Bass). Gerard and Mikey is brothers.
The song “Welcome to the black parade” from the album The Black parade hit it big and made the band even more famous. Still, the band are not like superficial "superstars" that think they own the world. They have great respect for everyone around.
My Chem have fans all around the world.. I am one of them.
-Read more about MCR at
They have released three albums:
-I brought you my bullets you brought me your love
-Three cheers for the sweet revenge
-The black parade

In the beginning they were more punk, but now they're more rock I think. The band comes from New Jersey in America. They are known in the whole world now and they grow fast. My Chemical Romance have 5 members: Gerard Way (vocals), Frank Iero(guitar), Bob Bryar(drums), Ray Toro(guitar) and Mikey Way(Bass). Gerard and Mikey is brothers.
The song “Welcome to the black parade” from the album The Black parade hit it big and made the band even more famous. Still, the band are not like superficial "superstars" that think they own the world. They have great respect for everyone around.
My Chem have fans all around the world.. I am one of them.
-Read more about MCR at
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Global warming

Anyway, it's important to take responsibility for what we have left. For our next generation with children.
Here is some things you can do to help the planet:
- Take shorter showers
- Turn off the lights when you aren't in the room
- Do not buy so many clothes (especially jeans)
- Give money to organizations who plant trees
- Walk instead of taking the car, if it's possible
- Do not buy food with a lot of plastic wrapping
- Vote for leaders who cares about the environment
Monday, 4 June 2007
A little about guitar stuff..

If you are gonna play a cover song It's easy to read tab. Tab stands for tablature and is easy to learn. Then you can play basically every song you want.
Here is a link to how to read tablature:
If you already know how to read tab, here's a site with cover songs and stuff like that:
Sunday, 27 May 2007
The Used- Lies for the liars

If you like alternative music- The Used is maybe something for you. Out in stores are the new album: Lies for the liars.
My little review of the album:
I bought the Used's new album and I loved it. This music are a little different from what they made before, but still awesome. Before the album were released, they had previews of the coming songs. That made me buy the record. I'm not regretting, yet. After I heard through it a couple of times, I like it even better.
So I think the album rock and from me it will be 6/6.
Lies For The Liars,
The Used
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
I'm gonna talk about one of my favorite comic movies: Ace Ventura- When nature calls.
First I have to say that Jim Carrey is one of my favorite actors. He has so much energy when he is playing, and I think he is great in comic films.
A review of the film:
Ace Ventura is a pet detective and work on cases with lost animals.
This time he's been set on the case of a lost bat. If He do'nt find it, two tribes will begin to fight. The bat have an inportant meaning for the tribes because one from each tribe is getting married.
Ace get the assistant Greenwall and travels to one of the tribes. He is searching around and will he find the bat in time??
First I have to say that Jim Carrey is one of my favorite actors. He has so much energy when he is playing, and I think he is great in comic films.
A review of the film:
Ace Ventura is a pet detective and work on cases with lost animals.
This time he's been set on the case of a lost bat. If He do'nt find it, two tribes will begin to fight. The bat have an inportant meaning for the tribes because one from each tribe is getting married.

Ace get the assistant Greenwall and travels to one of the tribes. He is searching around and will he find the bat in time??
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
School and soon summer

Finally finished with all school exams and that is chill. Now the next three weeks are gonna be relaxing. This week about 5 days away I'm going on a school-trip. That is gonna be awesome. I'm so exited.
The 2 weeks left is just normal school, but not so much "brainwork". Then It's holiday. I am just gonna relax the whole summer!!! Just lie on the beach the whole day. Enough dreaming for today. Gonna do homework now...
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Creative Zen V 2GB

I have a MP3 player. It's a Creative Zen V 2GB. (..and a pink one as well). It is really cool with great sound, but I am disappointed of a few things:
- Details about settings was not written in the instructions.
- It froze twice in 1/2 year.
- The screen got quickly scratches.
I'm gonna a explain a detail with the settings:
- How to make a picture to a background:
Go to pictures and choose a picture. Hold in the "back" button until a menu appear. Choose background and press the stick in the middle. There you have a nice background!
- How to change "theme" colours:
Go on your Zen V player and go to SYSTEM. After that go to Player Settings and choose Theme. Here you go.
Now some positive things about the tiny little thing:
- First of all: It's small and easy to take with you.
- You can have short video clips on it.
- The battery last long.
- You can have about 1000 songs on it.
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Random stuff
This is total random, because I'm a kinda bored:
I am gonna talk about my opinion about topics I find (In my mind).
This is gonna be weird. OK, here we start!
- Coca Cola Company: First of all I don't like the taste of CocaCola. I don't like the company. They use millions of money every year to advertise their products and say if you drink this you will be happy and all. Poor people that see this and buy it because they want happiness. Suddenly they don't have any money.
- Mentos: The new mentos taste is in store. Actually more than one. You have the coloured mentos, the mint mentos, the strawberry mentos with yogurt and more.. Why do we want more? Because is special. My personal favorite is the coloured mentos. All the different flavours in one. Gotta love mentos.
- Pokemon: The Pokemon series got scary popular at one point. Children got epilepsy because the was so exited of seeing the series. The producers used this power to make more and more. They earned millions of money. After Pokemon were officially finished, new series came. Cheap copies of Pokemon just to make money. Non of them was even close....
- The colour of my room: What a topic.. Well, the colour of my room is yellow. I don't really like the colour. I want to paint my room this summer. White or something. A little brighter. Now posters are covering the yellow. I don't have so many posters so it is not working very well...
- Cars: I think the global warming is a huge topic today. Therefor I think its important to develop cars that are going on battery. It will not use so much of nature and work just as fine.
- Celebrities: If you get known in the media, everyone want a piece of you. Why is it so fun to read about them? We have to remind our selves that these people that just get a little more attention that us, are NORMAL people. Not a God or something.
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Chain Letters
The most annoying thing in the world are chain letters. In a comment box it's for no use.
People who believe in chain letters and all the "scary" messages from them is just stupid. Your family is not gonna die if you don't post the comment to 5 other persons or so. What would make them die? Just because you read something stupid in a comment box?
The most stupid thing is that people actually believe in the letters. They actually get scared. Scared of some words in a comment box.... People laugh when humans in movies get killed, but when they see a "scary" comment they follow it like a robot. Follow the crowd people. Get scared and go home and crye. The chain-letters are gonna take you. Kill you at last.
People who believe in chain letters and all the "scary" messages from them is just stupid. Your family is not gonna die if you don't post the comment to 5 other persons or so. What would make them die? Just because you read something stupid in a comment box?
The most stupid thing is that people actually believe in the letters. They actually get scared. Scared of some words in a comment box.... People laugh when humans in movies get killed, but when they see a "scary" comment they follow it like a robot. Follow the crowd people. Get scared and go home and crye. The chain-letters are gonna take you. Kill you at last.
This summer I'm going to London. Me(and my family) are going for a week holiday. It's exiting. Maybe we are going to take London Eye. I'm afraid of heights so we'll see about that.
Summer is the best time of the year. Go out swimming and the sun are shining. Lay on the beach and get brown colour. It's fantastic!
The dumb thing is when school begins again. That's boring but a little cool because you get tired of your family. Thou I I'm exited for the summer.
Summer is the best time of the year. Go out swimming and the sun are shining. Lay on the beach and get brown colour. It's fantastic!
The dumb thing is when school begins again. That's boring but a little cool because you get tired of your family. Thou I I'm exited for the summer.
Friday, 4 May 2007
The Internet
WWW do people associate with Internet and URL.
That's totally true. Internet-the unlocked secret. Actually it's not a secret anymore for about the whole world know about what Internet is.
As the new technology grows it is coming more and more possibilities. Every minute a new Internet site get started... Maybe it is coming too many at last and the whole Internet get destroyed. It would be a lot of information to lose. Actually the most important information are on the Internet. The government have the most important things. *Poff* if all suddenly disappeared. That's too bad.
That's totally true. Internet-the unlocked secret. Actually it's not a secret anymore for about the whole world know about what Internet is.
As the new technology grows it is coming more and more possibilities. Every minute a new Internet site get started... Maybe it is coming too many at last and the whole Internet get destroyed. It would be a lot of information to lose. Actually the most important information are on the Internet. The government have the most important things. *Poff* if all suddenly disappeared. That's too bad.
Stupid videoes
I'VE JUST SEEN THE MOST BORING VIDEO ON YOUTUBE. I thought it was kind of funny in the beginning,but after a while it was just stupid.
If you are gonna put out a video, here are 3 things you have to remember:
1) It have to be exiting in the beginning so people wanna watch further.
2) If it's gonna be stupid it have to be smart-funny-stupid. Not dumb-stupid.
3) Don't sit in front of the camera with a dead face. That's not cool!
That was my little lesson for today about posting videos on youtube.
If you are gonna put out a video, here are 3 things you have to remember:
1) It have to be exiting in the beginning so people wanna watch further.
2) If it's gonna be stupid it have to be smart-funny-stupid. Not dumb-stupid.
3) Don't sit in front of the camera with a dead face. That's not cool!
That was my little lesson for today about posting videos on youtube.
Today I sat down and watched Cartoon Network. Today's cartoons are really boring. I was surprised, because when I was a "small" kid the cartoon shows was much more brainy and smart. Then the series actually had a meaning.
Today's children just wanna see meaningless series. The cartoons are so massproduced. No lesson to learn just "Oh god I'm so stupid".
If you wanna do something smart children:
stay away from Cartoon Network and those dumb cartoon TV-series.
We wanna see some smart stuff!
Today's children just wanna see meaningless series. The cartoons are so massproduced. No lesson to learn just "Oh god I'm so stupid".
If you wanna do something smart children:
stay away from Cartoon Network and those dumb cartoon TV-series.
We wanna see some smart stuff!
Sunday, 29 April 2007

I like hamsters a lot.
I had a hamster. It was a dwarf-hamster and a cutie. I loved him so much. He was smart, hyperactive and loved to sleep. He died when we were on a vacation and it was so sad.
A little story:
My hamster got to run on the couch and I lied there and rest while he was running. After about ten minutes, he climbed under my shirt and began to sleep against my stomach. It was so sweet.
I have to say that dwarf-hamster is the best animal I've ever had. Maybe it's because he was just a special one... He will always be in my heart.
I had a hamster. It was a dwarf-hamster and a cutie. I loved him so much. He was smart, hyperactive and loved to sleep. He died when we were on a vacation and it was so sad.
A little story:
My hamster got to run on the couch and I lied there and rest while he was running. After about ten minutes, he climbed under my shirt and began to sleep against my stomach. It was so sweet.
I have to say that dwarf-hamster is the best animal I've ever had. Maybe it's because he was just a special one... He will always be in my heart.
The thing about smoking is simple. If you try it, you will get use to it and be addicted.
One of the main problems is that people in poor countries get addicted. It's because advertisements are telling that if you smoke you will be happy. The poor people have just a little bit of money and use it all on cigarettes.
In rich countries it is maybe cool to smoke? Or you just wanna do as your friends. In my opinion I think smokers wanna hide behind the cigarette and feel safe. They find it easier to be social and stuff like that. Without the smoke they feel unsure and not comfortable. That's a really bad thing.
In conclusion I think cigarette-business is really bad because it tear money out of innocent people and make them sick. So my point is: DON'T EVER START SMOKING!
One of the main problems is that people in poor countries get addicted. It's because advertisements are telling that if you smoke you will be happy. The poor people have just a little bit of money and use it all on cigarettes.
In rich countries it is maybe cool to smoke? Or you just wanna do as your friends. In my opinion I think smokers wanna hide behind the cigarette and feel safe. They find it easier to be social and stuff like that. Without the smoke they feel unsure and not comfortable. That's a really bad thing.
In conclusion I think cigarette-business is really bad because it tear money out of innocent people and make them sick. So my point is: DON'T EVER START SMOKING!
Friday, 27 April 2007
Music taste
People have different taste in music. The worst thing is to listen to music you absolute don't like. Sometimes it takes a little bit of time to like some sort of music. When you first like it, you think it's so cool. You suddenly realize a different side of yourself. Almost magic... Enough of my long-away thoughts. Back to the earth.
"Why sun, why do you have to be so close to the earth, and stuff...." Just a funny line from a youtube video. That video is really crazy but funny. What am I doing now. Back to the topic "music taste" what I was talking about...
If you see a band or an artist you often get a first impression of that person/group. Then It's harder to like the music. You are so sceptic. Afraid if you like the music and have to admit that you actually like them. Say it out loud! Do not be afraid of what people will say or think. So my conclusion is: Listen to singers/bands you don't like to "look at" if you can say it that way, and be open to listen different music than you are used to.
"Why sun, why do you have to be so close to the earth, and stuff...." Just a funny line from a youtube video. That video is really crazy but funny. What am I doing now. Back to the topic "music taste" what I was talking about...
If you see a band or an artist you often get a first impression of that person/group. Then It's harder to like the music. You are so sceptic. Afraid if you like the music and have to admit that you actually like them. Say it out loud! Do not be afraid of what people will say or think. So my conclusion is: Listen to singers/bands you don't like to "look at" if you can say it that way, and be open to listen different music than you are used to.
Thursday, 26 April 2007

When I'm not at school or doing homework,
I often go to youtube (or my other home as I like to call it).
Honestly i am there mostly to watch music videoes and interviews. I have many favorites and therefor I made a youtube-channel. It's kinda cool. Every day I get more and more visitors. Facinating...
I often go to youtube (or my other home as I like to call it).
Honestly i am there mostly to watch music videoes and interviews. I have many favorites and therefor I made a youtube-channel. It's kinda cool. Every day I get more and more visitors. Facinating...
Enough about youtube for this time.
I just ate dinner and I realized that the school-year is almost over. I cant believe it.
Time runs too fast as I usually say. This is a little panic situation right here.
I am beginning on a new school next year and guess I'm nervous. Hell yeah.

Hopefully I survive. "I will survive" That song just came to me, and "survivor" with Destiny's child. That feel a little weird, because I do not hear that type of music often. Another thing that also is weird, is when someone on the street say "hey, i know you" and you don't know that person at all.
Never happened to me thou.
Time runs too fast as I usually say. This is a little panic situation right here.
I am beginning on a new school next year and guess I'm nervous. Hell yeah.

Hopefully I survive. "I will survive" That song just came to me, and "survivor" with Destiny's child. That feel a little weird, because I do not hear that type of music often. Another thing that also is weird, is when someone on the street say "hey, i know you" and you don't know that person at all.
Never happened to me thou.
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
I'm writing on a paper in English class right now. The person I'm writing about is Nelson Mandela. It's very interesting, but a little hard. We are gonna say it for the whole class. I'm gonna be nervous for that, but sure it is gonna be OK.
I think Nelson Mandela is a wonderful person, and have done so much for the community. Now I am gonna write further.
I think Nelson Mandela is a wonderful person, and have done so much for the community. Now I am gonna write further.
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
My first post
So this is my first post on my blog.
I don't hope you hope that I'm worried if you like it or not.
Only read further if:
1. you are bored
2. not sleeping
3. you are not heading for the bathroom
4. you wanna get away from sisters/brothers now are planning to read further
I don't hope you hope that I'm worried if you like it or not.
Only read further if:
1. you are bored
2. not sleeping
3. you are not heading for the bathroom
4. you wanna get away from sisters/brothers now are planning to read further
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